Friday, January 28, 2011

Protestors, Leather- and Michael Jackson!

Currently in Italy there is some scandal going on. The prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is being investigated for paying for sex with minors. 
(Apparently paying for sex is not illegal here, but paying for sex with minors is)

Now in America, if the president did something like that, BAM impeached.
 However here it is different, the prime minister has a monopoly on the media and is one of the richest men and it will be hard to get him outta there!

There is a lot more too it than that, so here is a link to stories in case anyone's interest is peaked:


The reason for this little tidbit of information is because we have been hearing about it in classes and because there were Italians protesting in the street today.

 I asked a shop keeper what they were protesting about ( I had a feeling it was the prime minister!) AND IT WAS! Thank goodness- that man needs to be protested- I wanted to join in.

"That the crisis pays for the masters" = what google translate says

After wandering around/watching the protesters chant etc. we hit the ground running! 

1. get a rain jacket
2. go to the leather market
3. wander around the city
(Sadly goal #1 did not come true- but the other two did!)

Leather Market!

The leather market is crazy! 
There is so much to see and buy and do! I got a pair of purple gloves today- and 2 pashminas 
*KIKS AND LIZ YOU WILL LOVE THEM... they were bought with you in mind!*

Mandy scored some really great earrings today- it would be wrong if I did not post a picture of the FABULOUS 2 euro M.J earrings! (She had to hardcore bargain to get them down to that price)

ALSO-  this morning in H&M- Michael Jackson was playing! I just remembered this!
( Mandy if you are reading this, talk about foreshadowing!)

Tonight I am not sure what we are doing but it's going to have to be relaxed because tomorrow morning at 8 am - we're off to SIENA!


  1. BAM impeached
    that was my favorite part of that


  2. also my word verification to post that comment was gingiz.. like gingers

    that is all
