Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Is This Real Life?

Woke up and had classes - We had a site visit to the Baptistry today and while we were there a parade passed through. I have no idea what it was for, but there was some great outfits/tights going on.

...wonder where I can get those pants

We also went to the  Museo dell' Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore for my Art of Florence class. We saw Michelangelo's "Pieta":

It was really cool because apparently Michelangelo got really frustrated when he was making it and attempted to destroy it- and his helpers put it back together HOWEVER Jesus is missing a leg, and when you get up close you can see how some parts are finished and shiny and others still needed more work. Kind of hard to tell from this angle but believe me, I saw it.

We also saw Donatello's "Mary Magdalene"- she was freaky/beautiful. This sculpture is made out of stucco and wood. We learned that many of the sculptures of that material got destroyed and aren't around anymore, so she is a pretty big deal.

After that class I had The History of Ancient Rome. Very interesting day where we learned that the constitution of the United States is VERY similar to that of Ancient Rome. Gotta love them Romans! In a couple of weeks we are going on a weekend field trip TO Rome, CANT WAIT! 

The picture below is of the classroom! So pretty everywhere :)

After that I had Italian. Today we learned names of foods and drinks! Very important because clearly one of my favorite things to do here is eat. Tomorrow we are play-acting a restaurant scene... that won't be too embarrassing! (sarcasm) We also learned the days of the week and some verbs. 


I met up with Mandy, Jessie, Sara and Jamie and we went to "The Diner" was sooooooo good! We were mixing it up a little today and not getting panini or pasta or pizza or cappucino. For instance, I had a cheeseburger.
"The Diner's Rule: everyone love everyone"

 I would like everyone to know that I am at times called  "the map" or "mother duck" and sometimes "tour guide barbie"....BECAUSE.... I lead my little ducklings all around Florence. Today I got us from school to the diner without using my map, and then from the diner to the Duomo! I am very proud of this (clearly). The one problem is that I walk a little bit faster than most, today I heard "quacks!" from behind me so I had to stop and wait for everyone to catch up.

Fun Fact: Things are much slower paced here. At orientation they told us to "go with the slow". So basically if I ever want to look like I am not American, I have to NOT walk as fast as my short legs will carry me. (This is going to be one of my biggest challenges).


The goal of the day was: 1. get food 2. get  the "carto-gio"- student card for discounts and 3. Use said card to get ballet tickets. 
As we were galavanting around the city to do said tasks, we stumbled upon a shop filled with beautiful masks!

Me and Mandy :)
pretty purple mask

We also passed by the Duomo (It's hard not to) and my camera and I are very proud of this picture (the sky helped us out a little):

After we successfully bought tickets for the ballet tomorrow (sooooo excited) we meandered on home. On the way back the sun was setting and the sky was so pretty. The water reflected everything...I don't know why I am describing this, look below and you will see what I mean!!



As I was saying, all in all it was a really good day! Now it's time to shower and make some dinner- Ciao!


  1. Great Pictures! Love you Mom

  2. What a great day!!!! Watch your weight, slowing down and eating more = pounds.
    Love, Poppy

  3. Brigid,
    I thought the Michaelangelo's "Pieta" was in St. Peter's in Rome. What's the story with this one?

  4. Brigid- I can see you are having a wonderful time in Italy. All Italians must love you. It is so much fun reading about all of your adventures. I hope you have a hundred more. Love, Bunny
