Monday, January 24, 2011

Om Nom Nom- A post all about food!

The food here has been especially delicious! From things that we have made in our apartment, to the restaurants/cafes discovered throughout Florence- my mouth is happy! (However if I don't keep running, my belly will not be too happy- and I might need my own plane to get me home!)

So far my go to breakfast has been yogurt, eggs or cereal. I was nervous to try the milk here at first, but my love of cereal trumped this fear entirely. The cafe across from school - Caffe' Amerini sells cappuccino for 1 euro, and their croissants aren't half bad either...yummmmm!

For lunch, I either panini it up somewhere on the street, or I will make myself something at the apartment. Today I had tomatoes and mozzarella  :)

Dinner is either out, or in the apartment.

 Tonight, Mandy and I went to a restaurant that is on my street. The food we had tonight was great- the menu was all in Italian and we tried our very best with pronunciation. We got pear/brie salad, which was soooo tasty! And I tried gnocchi for the first time ever, also very good. I was so full though so I took half of my gnocchi to go, clearly it's going to be my lunch tomorrow!

 There are very many things I am very thankful for and near the top of that list you will find pizza. I will eat pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner if I have to. I wouldn't even be upset about that.

Pizza here is so good, so so so good.

ATTENTION KEVIN CONNOLLY: I will still pick your home-made pizza over any other in the world!

Annnnyways, as I was saying- Pizza = Wonderful. There is really not much more to it than that.

Other miscellaneous foods I have encountered and loved:

made by Noah, for apartment family dinner

 courtesy of Caffe Amerini, so good

made by me!

gelato= the reason I will gain a million and a half pounds.

I am taking a cooking class in the beginning of February, so there will be much more to report! Plus I eat everyday sooooooo clearly there will be more updates on that. (For instance, tomorrow night we are making eggplant parm) 

That's all for now! Ciao!

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