Thursday, January 27, 2011

Art Bar and Ballet!

[DISCLAIMER: Drinking is legal here for someone at the age of 20. If this were America, I would not be at Art Bar.]

Tonight I went to two pretty cool places- Art Bar and the Ballet! 

Art Bar is a bar (duh) where they make you drinks but they are really cool/pretty and filled with fruit! I had a banana daiquiri that was delicious! It was really cool because you sit at your table and have a table full of little bowls of popcorn and chips, and they serve the drinks like it is your meal. With all the fruit in them it kind of did feel like I was eating something not drinking it!

Here is a picture of our waiter/bartender and his supplies!

And here is Sara, Mandy and myself enjoying our fruity concoctions! 

After Art Bar, we headed to the ballet! We saw "A Midsummers Night Dream" and it was amazing!

 All of the dancers were phenomenal and it was very well done- once I figure out how I am going to upload the videos I took so you can see for yourselves! But for now here is this picture of the king and queen fairy- thank you 10x zoom camera! These two were UNREAL, in one of their dances I literally got the chills they were so good!

Here is a panorama of the theater:

And all the ladies after the show:

Me, Mandy, Sara, Jessie & Megan!

Top night! 

Tomorrow we are going to go to the markets, and possible a museum or two! Wooooo! 

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