Saturday, February 5, 2011


Today was pretty low key for me! 
I woke up, exercised/showered and then went grocery shopping.
After that I wandered around Florence for a couple of hours, and then made my way up to Piazza Michelangelo with my sketch book!

It was around 60 degrees here today and wonderful in the sun. 
I sat down at a statue and just soaked it all in. (cue Sheryl Crow: I'm gonna soak up the sun..")

A view I will never tire of:

Once the sun was going down I was getting a little chilly so I decided to go back to the apartment.
Tonight I tried my hand at making crepes! I was flying solo and wanted to see if I could really make them or if the cooking instructor had helped way more than I realized! 

Good news, I can make them!

Jenna and I had them for dessert, we put strawberry jam in some and nutella in others! We each had two.
Knowing how to make these might be the best thing ever or the worst, we shall see.

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