Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Long Post: prize at the end if you read it all!

Ciao ciao!

Things have been wonderful, I feel so lucky to be here and grateful that I have so much time left!

I woke up early and strolled around before classes which were really good.
My “Dante’s World” professor cracks me up-
he makes some pretty lame jokes and sounds like the bat from Anastasia (Nevin cousin’s I know you all know what I speak of) I really am enjoying that class!

After that was Italian, where we learned all about menus- which was terrible because I had only had kiwi and cereal for breakfast which felt like ten years ago and I wanted to eat the book in front of me! 

After that class Me Marlene and Devon went down to the Oil Shoppe, I got….the number 6! (Sara it was delicious you have continued to steer me in the right direction!)

Devon and I have art after that so we headed to the studio. We were working on the body yesterday. 

The picture I am posting below is not being posted because she is good...she is not good. I know this. She is a sketch.
I am posting her because she is HUGE and has the tiniest feet and it cracked us up. This drawing is okay to laugh at! 

And don’t worry her feet were erased shortly thereafter and made bigger so she would not tip over at a moments notice!

After class we did some grocery shopping- Marlene texted Devon a list and we complied! The three of us (under Marlene’s instruction) made fresh salsa. I have never had salsa with pineapple or mango in it and let me just say it was amazing.

Here is video photo of Marlene’s reaction to the first taste (she is going to kill me when she sees I posted this I AM SORRY MARLENE I JUST LOVE IT!)

the "sexy american"
After that lovely appetizer, Marlene and I went down the road and got pizza to fill us up!  
We met back up with Devon and the three of us went out!
Now, there are a lot and I mean A LOT of students studying abroad. Not just with my program with all programs in general. Which is wonderful , however I am also here to meet people that are FROM italy etc. We decided to try a bar called astor, and it was definitely not our scene. It was jam packed with kids wasted etc. (this is a Tuesday night mind you) and we just weren’t feeling it.
 So we walked right out and into the open arms of “The Old Stove” which was a much more low key place. Good news it was ladies night! Which means our drinks were cheaper wooo! -- CALM DOWN MOM, I only had one drink! It was a Tuesday as I mentioned and I do have classes in the morning!

Last night we were all talking about how incredible is, that we can go out- and right out side of some place modern is something as old as...hmmm I dunno the Duomo! Well we were all in the spirit of art appreciation, or should I say...sculpture appreciation?

Arnolfo di Cambio ladies and gents!

My new boyfriend

Marlene and Arnolfo di Cambio

Devon...the guy behind you is copying your pose

In the Art of Florence we had a site visit at the Bargello Museum this morning! It is a state museum and as I wrote in my notes this morning "really old"

The emblems on the wall represent the city magistrate.The magistrate was always chosen from outside of Florence so he could be impartial. He controlled the tribunals. 
The lower floors/basement were once a jail. As we were standing around the well our teacher goes "Oh and over there were executions." ...WOWZA!

 Once we got inside I was excited cause we were going to be seeing a lot of really great things. BUT THEN there was this little sign that had a camera with a red X on it. Clearly saying, don't you dare take a picture. My heart was a little broken...we were seeing the work that Brunelleschi and Ghiberti made when they were competing to make the second set of baptistry doors...KINDA A BIG DEAL.

Soooooooooo I turned the flash off and stealthily took a picture:

Some great things happened though.
1. The guard was SLEEPING, yes sleeping- or at least dozing. Because 2. he did not notice this little old lady going around and taking pictures WITH FLASH!.. I know right? FLASH!

Well that lady made me feel brave...
Got em!

Below you will see Donatello's first "David" on the left, and the one he did later on the right.
THINGS TO NOTE: The pose is more relaxed in the second one. It's called "contrapposto" which essentially just means putting your weight onto one foot...

(Insert your own subtitles for the people looking at David here___________).

After that I had Ancient Rome and Italian, 
came home made eggs with broccoli and cheese, took a cat nap! 
Tonight we are doing birthday dinner for  Gabby 
and tomorrow our art class is going to a museum to draw!

Your Prize: You got to the end! Congrats :)

1 comment:

  1. Brigid,
    You're having way too much fun!!! I think you should come home.
    Love Poppy
