Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My B.F.F Dante and the Secret Bakery

Ciao ragazzi!
Things have been wonderful- busy with exploring, eating and classwork as per usual.

Stumbled upon this doorknob, very Harry Potter-esque if you ask me! And how can you pass it by with out giving the poor hand a pound!?

After Dante's World (name of my english class), italian and art- I went out to eat with Devon, Marlene, Justin and Victoria. (Or as our art teacher calls her "victorie")
We went to a little pizza place across the bridge called DANTE'S! How excited was I right?! I am in a class where we are learning all about Dante himself and here I am at a restaurant dedicated to the very man!  

There was a very pretty fresco of Beatrice (pronounced "Bee-ah-tree-chey") and her two friends with Dante seeing her for the first time since they were 9 years old. My professor actually gave us a postcard in class of that very same picture! 

Sara Shaban, this postcard is headed your way!
Now we live about 25 minutes away from school. Justin, one of the boys in the same apartment complex- bought a bike. Which is very VERY brave of him. The cars and vespas ZOOM by, even the other bikes do. We were told that if you get a bike, as long as you don't look back and acknowledge that there is a car behind you, the car can't hit you or beep or anything cause they are aware of you. Frightening I KNOW! Naturally Devon, Marlene and I all wanted to have a try at the bike!
It was interesting to say the least, and we all are alive to speak of it so no worries!

We got home, showered/got ready and decided to try out a bar called Old Stove. There are three, and we went to one that is the closest. It was really cool there, no one was looking for a crazy party night by any means, so it was nice to just talk and hang out. We also successfully managed to pick a bar that wasn't filled with a ton of other american students!

Noah, Devon, Marlene, Justin and Ben!

The croissants here are AMAZING.
 Especially when filled with chocolate! 
There is a "secret bakery" that is only open from 1 am to 5 am because they are making the pastries to give to the cafes to sell. 
When I was told about the secret bakery, I was told to "follow the smell" and I 100% doubted that I could actually use my nose to find this place. Justin knew the general area of where we needed to be but....SURPRISE! it is not a lie, you can follow the smell. We were half way down the street and all took off running because the amazing smell of bakery was overwhelming!

Justin, Marlene, Noah and Devon

We knocked on the glass door and a man came out and asked if we wanted chocolate or marmalade. We said 5 chocolate. He closed the door and five minutes later we were all in heaven! 

croissant = cornetto

1 comment:

  1. What are you doing up and out after midnight. Classes must be real tough.
    Love, Poppy
