Friday, February 4, 2011

Gabby's Birthday Dinner- Wednesday Night

Wednesday night we went out for Gabby's birthday dinner! 
It was amazing and I have never been so full ever- I really mean that. 
I wanted to be rolled home.
Rolled, or carried or air-lifted... I just did not want to walk.
Okay, here goes:

We went to Il Latini which was great- for a fixed price we got appetizers, first course, main course, dessert and all the wine we could drink!

 Appetizers = tomato and mozzarella, prosciutto and bread with olive oil of course!

THEN we had two kinds of pasta (a ravioli with tomato sauce and penne with meat sauce) and two kinds of soup. 
There was vegetable soup and another kind. Sadly I don't exactly know what the other kind was BUT IT WAS SO GOOD


The waitstaff was so nice, they knew we were from Palazzo Rucellai which is right next door and they were so kind!

All the girls at dinner
 Next came the spinach, potatoes and plate of meat. There was chicken, lamb, roast beef and veal. 
I stuck with the chicken, playing it safe ya know? HOWEVER I did branch out and I tried spinach! 

spinach and wine

 I feel full just looking at these pictures!

the drinks- in order of appearance
I am not a big wine drinker AT ALL, but I really enjoyed the kind we had. It was their house wine and I can't spell its name for the life of me so I will not even try. We also got a really good dessert wine with dessert (duh brig), limonchello after everything and grappa just for the sake of trying. (Personally I believe grappa is gross, but that is just me...maybe it's an acquired taste?)

ALSO there was a drink for dipping biscotti in. The girls we were with learned the hard way that you don't just say "cheers!"and drink your whole biscotti-drink, it's for dipping purposes...oops!


dessert wine, so sweet, so good

Dessert was delicious, my personal favorites were the chocolate one and the one right across from it. The waiter was nice he asked Gabby which her favorite was and brought her out more!
...which seems really nice but considering how full we all were it was like a dessert punishment!

(told you the waiters were nice!)

soooo good, soooo full

The original plan had been to go out afterwards, but we were all so stuffed and sleepy it did not happen!

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