Thursday, May 31, 2012

Internship has started, hence the picture right below this. 

No I do not work at a pet store, I did however write about them. My first review for MySecretBoston is about Audrey's Pet Store. It still needs to be edited and such but eventually it will be on the website! 

Last night Sar and I went to the bar for trivia while Liz had her soccer game. We desperately wanted to go to the game and heckle everyone and cheer embarrassingly for Liz, but sadly did not have the means of transportation. Much to Liz's delight and our dismay. 

Anyway, we're at the bar and supposedly there is a certain crowd that is usually at said bar for trivia. I was promised attractive businessy bros that a couple years ago were probably at the college bar and now have jobs. But once a bro always a bro.

So they're like better dressed versions of the selves they were in college. With jobs.

ALAS they were no where to be found. The bar was actually pretty empty, which can be attributed to the fact that it was a beautiful sunshiney day so maybe people were outside? (or maybe these business "men" do not exist and Sar and Liz have been joking?)

Out we went! Into the wild. Just a casual hunt for a liquor store, and then Sar and I sat along the Charles and like the classiest of ladies drank wine from the bottle. While listening to a little Arcade Fire and having great conversation.

(And avoiding the heron that looked like it was hungry and was not against drinking it's calories and stealing our wine.)

FUN FACT I've learned about myself in the past week, which sadly will never make it onto a resume BUT IS A PRETTY COOL TRICK....
I can now open a bottle of wine with a pair of scissors, apartment keys or a butter knife.

Related: I love wine.
Relatedx2: Invest in a real wine opener.

I don't want to brag...oh wait yes I do that is a great trick! Excuse me, a great SKILL.

On Wednesday's the Museum of Fine Arts is open after 4 for free. 
(Well technically they ask if you want to donate any money but my goodness I'm poor leave me alone!)

I will definitely be going again and bringing my sketchbook. I liked it in there. Some kinda weird stuff in the contemporary art section that annoyed me, but that's always the case.  Like how the heck does someone get three white cubes sitting next to each other in a museum? PSCH.

Maybe when I grow up I will have a Museum-of-art-I-deem-worthy and only put in good sketching and things I really like. Naturally I will highlight all my greatest works. 

JOKES about that. But honestly some of the stuff, excuse me art, in the contemporary section were not what I would consider art. 

Their current exhibition was Alex Katz prints. Those I really liked. It was kinda Andy Warhol-esque in a way. There was also a boy sketching one of them and I wanted to stand behind him and breathe down his neck and watch him draw. (It didn't hurt he was kinda cute). I held back no worries.  

It was pretty cool. I only spent an hour in there because
I was off to meet Sara so I will definitely be going back.

And mostly I've just been wandering and running and applying for jobs. 

This weekend we will play on Friday and then head home Saturday for Kik's prom. WHICH IS JUST NUTS TO ME. She's so old! I'm so old! Oh man oh man oh man. 
Expect a super nostalgic post about how I'm old and miss things, and by things I mean getting super dressed up and taking pictures. Why don't we have dances in college?

Oh wait we do, it's the bar and it's terrifying. 

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