Wednesday, May 16, 2012


"I try to take one day at a time, 
but sometimes several days attack me at once."

Sometimes I am too much too soon too fast too big. A constant flow of things to do and places to go and pictures to take and people to see. This is how I like it, I love my people and I love meeting new ones, I love laughing and going and doing la la la. Sometimes however, this catches up to me and womps me on my ass. Whether its losing my voice from lack of sleep, which then turns into a nasty head cold. Or a phone call that spins the world slightly out of order, I go from running head first into everything to frozen. 
And this is no fun.

At this point I know myself enough to know what usually helps and what most definitely does not. 
Coffee with Mom, sad songs and my sketchbook are my usual go to. 
However this was a  bit bigger than that, so a weekend in Jersey, followed by a week here babysitting turned into exactly what the doctor ordered. 

Cut to a road trip with Moms and Cheese, which thanks to traffic on Rt 9 felt like FOREVER.
We got to Aunt Paddy's just in time for delicious dinner. Eggplant parm and homemade focaccia bread. Nom nom nom.
Bryan had just been confirmed, and his excuse to get out of ANYTHING he did not want to do was some variation of "you can't ask me to do that, it's my holy weekend." Aunt Paddy has since decided that in her next life she's coming back as Bry, cause he has it made. 


Finally 21 amongst the Nevin family, Maggie and I were introduced to  Irish Carbombs. Yes, that is correct: Bailey's + Jameson + Guiness, here we go. My first one was terrible, but Aunt Jan told me and Madge that "the goal is not to finish first, the goal is to not puke." Nothing like some motherly advice!

The next day it was GLORIOUS out so rather than do boring adult things with Mom and Aunt Paddy (I'm sorry but shopping for chairs and an air mattress...really?) Cheese and I headed down to the shore to have "Princess Beach Day" with Maggie!

All in all it was a success, other than Kiks failure to reapply leaving her not so much a bronze-goddess but a burnt one. (No worries Cheesy, still got time before prom!)
We than took a nap on the deck, had family dinner and some nice looking visitors ;)

Sunday was a Happy Mother's Day to the best Mom in the whole wide world and off to the races. Mom, Dad and I were all driving a car, I firmly believe mine had the best co-pilots (Ruebs and Kiks) as well as the best tunes.  They were dropping me off at Granny and Grandpa's where I would then be picked up to "babysit" Kristina for the week. And by babysit, I mean hang out with, drive around in a convertible with, and get take out. 

We went to Uncle Tommy's and Aunt Susan's for a big lunch/dinner and got to hang out with little miss Chloe. Who gets bigger and bigger every time I see her. Between that and the fact that Kristina is 13 I really feel old.

 She knew the picture was being taken and went from a big smile to this.

It's Wednesday now and this week has been pretty relaxing. Take Kristina to school, walk Dixie, got back to sleep, exercise, shower, etc. It's nice being so close to Granny and Grandpa. I love their love. I also love the wise words of wisdom that get doled out- "Always have a spoonful of honey a day Brigy, it's good for your throat and you'll never have a cold again!" and if I've learned one thing hanging out with these two, it's that tea can cure anything. 

My other best friend this week... Dixie.
Despite the fact that she will bark at anything that breathes, she's growing on me. (NEVER TELL)

Oh and I'm sorry, did I forget to mention what Aunt Liz has me riding around in this week?...

Feeling like a million bucks in this thing!

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