Wednesday, June 6, 2012


This picture has nothing to do with anything. I just like it.

Cosmo interviewed Max Greenfield, who plays Schmidt on New Girl. Casually looking through the interview and I see this...

Q: Jess, Schmidt's roommate, is super quirky and girlie. What is some stuff women do that guys don't get?

A: I'll tell you right now what it is. Lists. All you guys want to do is make lists of things to do.

Now personally I think he should have just been honest and said guys don't get anything girls do. That said, the lists things is SPOT ON. At least for me. Lists that usually start with "#1. wake up", which I have been mocked for. I can't help it though, I like the outline.


To Do, Today June 6th
1. Clean up around the apartment
2. Pilates or go for a run
3. Shower
4. Look over application and turn it in
5. Go to the places you need to write about for MSB

...See I am aware that all of that is stuff I was definitely going to do today anyways.
In fact I'm cheating because I already did clean up around the apartment. But I just like getting it all down anyway.

Here's a list thats subject to change.

This Summer..
1. Get a job. Seriously.
2. Go to the MFA when it's free on Wednesday and draw
3. Run, run, run. Hartford Half in October
4. Take pictures everyday. Draw everyday.
5. Read more.
6. Don't forget that sometime July you have an online summer class
7. Kick ass at internship
8. Go to Yankees v. Red Sox

That list could continue for the entire summer so I might as well just chop it off there. Eventually it'll be a list of things I did do this summer which is always fun. When we were younger, Emily and I would make predictions. Obviously it was mostly about boys and always super hopeful. However we quit that game when we realized our "predictions" were coming true in all the worst versions of themselves. 

Things have been good this week. Feeling positive about one job (fingers crossed that I didn't just jinx it) and tomorrow we're attending a Kentucky Derby themed party for Sara's work! Last night we were all casually sitting around on our computers in our big hats. I guess we're all a little excited.

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