Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A List of Happy Things

The past couple weeks have been kinda strange. Interesting? Weird? Off? Stressful? --Pick an adjective, they all apply. Things have just been reaching a certain breaking point.

Lucky for me this past weekend was Easter, which meant I was heading home. And I firmly believe that there is nothing in this world that a hug from my mom cannot solve. Despite the fact that any stress is probably still there after she hugs me, it sure does feel like the world will change. So, home it was, and I was right- no place like it. Sunday we spent the afternoon at Granny's. Chloe is SO BIG and talking and slightly devilish (must be the red hair) but super cute nonetheless. It is kind of sad but very cute that she is the only grandkid left to do the Easter Egg Hunt. She found them all!

SNAPPED out of funk, just in time to enjoy the last three weeks of school, the majority of humans I hang out with are all graduating, so everyone is on the bucket-list mentality. Time to buckle up and get things done, senior spring! (I'm just along for the ride). It has inspired me and Hopper to make sure to have a bucket list/ senior year scavenger hunt, but there is PLENTY of time before that is a concern.

Sunday night was back to school. There was still enough sunshine to run, so I got that done and then went NUTS cleaning my room. Which is a sick joke cause from my vantage point IT LITERALLY LOOKS THE  SAME. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy do I even bother? One day I will have a home for every item of clothing and book and sock and water bottle. ONE DAY.  This day is no where near that's for damn sure. Sigh!

We heard that Sunday = no cover and $5 beavers, so it was off to Ted's! (Beavers is the weirdest name for a drink and I hate it). The wonderful Emily Elizabeth came over and along with my roommate and some other folks we took advantage of some drink deals.

In light of this recent bad mood, I got to thinking of things, big and little that make me happy. Naturally I am going to list them here! And naturally I will disclaim this all by saying THIS IS BY NO MEANS GOING TO BE A COMPLETE LIST.

naps with ruebs
best friends
green eyes
car rides and good music
trips to boston, trips to rhode island, TRIPS!
messages from people you haven't heard from in a while
good grades
singing call me maybe
good books
nail polish
leonardo dicaprio
the promise of sundresses and flipflops
adventures, or hearing of other's adventures
viva la juicy
late night phone calls
dinners with Emily (both emilys)
silly singing and silly accents

Much much much more than just that. Nice little reminder though for when I have a case of the lost and weirds again!

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