Monday, April 30, 2012

Deep deep thoughts (harharhar) no but for real..

Everyone keeps talking about the future.

I guess it's because the majority of people I know right now are about to graduate and will not be returning to good ole Storrs CT.  This makes me equal parts thrilled and equal parts petrified.

The future right now is summer and Boston. The future next year is SENIOR IN COLLEGE.

What are you doing this summer? Is that what you want to do when you grow up?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Are you going to grad school?
 Where do you see yourself in five years?

Too many questions...feeling overwhelmed? Nonsense!
( Mind you I cannot even tell you what I'll be doing this time tomorrow. )

I make to-do lists  every day and I know that it'll all EVENTUALLY get done, but never in the order I wanted. One cannot simply wake up, class, work, nap, run.

Too much room for interactions and other things to happen.  That's how I feel about this future we all keep talking about. I can tell you what I THINK I will do.

I think that when I grow up I'd like to teach, and travel a lot, and maybe even one day have a family (or at least a dog). I think I'll go to grad school (some days). In five years I will be 26, in two 23. I think I'd like to check out life on the West Coast.

But I really truly do not know. It's like how today I thought I'd leave work and take a nap and then run. Left work, uploaded some videos onto facebook, got froyo with Ems and THEN napped. I can't tell you clear cut that its going to go A B C D E F G.

If there is one thing I have learned in this little life of mine, nothing will go as you planned or hoped.
At least not always.

Right now my to-do list for this future self that I am constantly becoming is simple. Be happy. Do things that make the people you love happy. Thee end.


  1. I am delighted more than you can imagine that happiness is in your heart and your every activity! Love, Aunt Karen

  2. favorite -> and maybe even one day have a family (or at least a dog).
    hahah love you
