Friday, June 8, 2012

What's a Mint Julep?

I'm currently nursing a very big cup of coffee along side a big cup of water. 
Coffee to keep me up, last night was the Derby party for Sara's work. So much fun. 
Water to prepare me for Hip Hop Yoga tonight with Liz.

Yes you read that right, Hip Hop Yoga. We will be "ommming" to the musical stylings of Fergie and the Black Eyed Peas.  Equal parts excited and terrified.  I've gone to yoga classes and tivoed enough INHALE to be decently confident in my ability to downward/upward dog with the rest of them. However I've also gotten stuck in a yoga position and had to have Mom help me out.

This will be interesting for damn sure.

My standard form of exercise is running along the Charles. The beautiful, wonderful Charles. . . 

Yesterday I found myself in the Financial District looking for a place I was writing about for my internship.
(Related: Got feedback on my first piece, it was well received and will be on the website soon!)
((Also related: Next week I get to go to a restaurant and try some of their signature meals!))

Cannot be so close to the Wharf on a sunny day and not wander around.
On the T ride home there was what felt like hundreds of 8th graders. I was silently praying they would not be taking the same T as me, but alas no such luck.
 Too funny and awkward watching them for 6 stops. Painfully awkward actually, I had that secondhand embarrassment where you know you've been in that exact same position and you want it to stop so bad.
 (Looking at you girl who changed seats to sit next to the boy with the purple sunglasses).

Off to the races!

Liz and I met Sara in the North End for some pre-Kentucky-Derby-Work-Party beers. 
That T ride wasn't awkward at all (dripping in sarcasm). Everyone is in their casual clothes or some kind of Celtics gear and there's Liz and Brig, dressed for a party. Thankfully the hats were in a bag, because mine was definitely big enough to knock a couple people out.

The party was at the Seaport World Trade Center.  The place itself was gorgeous and the views of Boston were unreal.  It was fun putting faces to the names we hear in Sara's stories. 

Pictures that will give some hint as to the atmosphere we were in last evening...

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