Monday, May 2, 2011

This and That

This weekend was great! A perfect last weekend in Florence. Devon, Marlene and I wandered around during the day, soaking up the sunshine and all that is the Florence we love. And at night we got to play!

Saturday was "Notte Bianca" or White Night. At first we thought that meant you were supposed to wear all white, but we learned that this was not true. White night simply means that you will stay up ALL night! And it was true! The streets were alive and crazy with people. There was various different performance art and such out on the street. On our bridge there were these giant eyeball-esque things just hanging out! They had art projected onto buildings, and all the Piazzas had different music and bars set up outside! People were everywhere it was a lot of fun. Hard to stay together in a group of people, but still so much fun.

Now its study time (hence why I am procrastinating and posting a blog instead!!) Today I had my ancient rome and art of florence exams, and tomorrow I have Dante's world. AND THEN I AM DONE!

Still to do: pack!
 GAHHHHH I cannot even think about that I am really not ready to leave!

Pictures/Explanations from the weekend:

We went to lunch with Victoria at the Central Market! Devon, Marlene and Victoria are all from Virginia, and there was a family from Virginia that just so happened to be sitting at the same table as us! Small small world!

Got the Insalata Greca, veryyyyy good:

Sat/laid outside Palazzo Pitti, I will really miss that place:

Me, Devon, Marlene and Jenna went to Kitch for Apertivo and met up with Holly, Anna and Maggie. Kitch is the best apertivo in Florence, or so we had been told- and it did not disappoint!
On the way the sky was phenomenal (it is probably one of the things I will miss the most)..the sky that is, not Kitch!

Inside of Kitch! Apertivo was really good, you get a drink and then can go up and fill your plate as many times as you'd like, but you only pay for your drink! I got a strawberry daiquiri...yum!
Another thing I will miss? Being able to have drinks with dinner or go to a bar and be allowed to be there. This whole not being 21 is going to hit me in the face big time when I get home! 

Saturday we met Danielle at Mama's Bakery and then went to school to print out study guides, here Danielle expresses all my emotions about doing school work:

Devon and I wandered around and sat on the ledge overlooking the Arno/Ponte Vecchio. It was so sunny and nice out and just perfect really:

Got home and found someone had put a noodle on our door....hmmm. 
It is still there, we found this on Saturday. I am waiting for someone to eat it.
(The culprit is the crazy French woman that lives upstairs, she stuck gum in our keyhole once too...kinda a kook!)

Here is a picture of our street right before the sun was going to set:

ANDDDDD gelato!
 Fondente at Filo, the best dark chocolate gelato in all of Florence. 
It is ACTUALLY the best, I am a gelato connoisseur and eat it wayyyy to much so trust my opinion on this one:

Saw some cool street art:

Here is one of the eye ball things from white night:

Down at the bridge by school they put a bunch of trees and bean bags lining the bridge for people to sit on. Today after my finals Devon and I went and sat there for a little bit just recapping about things!

Here is Marlene and me during white night!

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