Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Don't Want To Say Goodbye!

 I had my last final on Tuesday!
 Hip hip hooray officially half way done with college! 


After my final I met up with Devon and we went to Mama's Bakery (I got a bagel with veggie creamcheese and avocado!) 
Devon had yet to climb the duomo, so naturally I needed to go with her for such a joyous occasion! 

Up up up we went! There wasn't really a line which was surprising considering how many touristys there are lately. I am NOT a tourist I have lived here for four months!

Afterwards we wandered around a little and then went to one of our favorite bars, Old Stove! 
I got a black and tan and we sat and enjoyed the sunshine. 

Old Stove is in Palazzo Vecchio....or should I say in the Piazza with Imposter David.

WHAT A GUY! I will miss that Piazza!
We got free french fries while we were at Old Stove, great place great place! 
They were yummy :)

Another thing I will miss dearly about Florence is the sky. I don't know if I have just never taken the time to REALLY appreciate it at home, but the sky here is gorgey. The clouds never cease to amaze me! It is one of my favorite things about Florence actually. The sky/clouds and the sunset. Gahhh

Without fail whenever I see the Duomo it makes me happy. It is just such a magnificent building and it truly looks like it is not real.

The other night we were walking and this couple stops us 
and the man goes "Do you know how to get to the dome"
so we're like, "Oh the Duomo?!" (you know so excited to help them out OFCOURSE WE KNOW WHERE IT IS!!)
He goes..."Noooo we're looking for the dome!"

...Silly rabbit! 

Never fear we sorted him out and told him that the DUOMO was down the street and to the left. 
Best of luck with anything else my friend!

Today is Wednesday and we wandered some more! Such a great thing being done with finals :)
Devon and I got breakfast at the diner, nothing like blueberry pancakes to start off your day!

Later we made our way to San Lorenzo leather market! 
Got some last minute giftys and I even got myself a little leather bracelet!

On the way home I went into the park right down our street and sat in the sunshine before having to go pack...



Tonight we went to the restaurant that is right below our apartment, it was a very nice atmosphere there! 
Tomorrow is the art show and the farewell reception! 

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