Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Right now is the first time since moving in that I have been alone in my apartment. Between roommates and people visiting, there has not been any dull moments, or quiet for that matter. It’s a constant flow of human interaction and lots of laughter. 

Being at school this always happens, you live with people, around people, and in classes with people. Sometimes I forget how nice it is just to be able to sit and just be, I forget to pay attention to things for myself because I am constantly in “go” mode. That’s not to say I haven’t been alone, at work there are times where it is just me, or when I nap. But this is rare so I am taking the moment to stop and appreciate it.

So far so good on the school front. I like all my classes, and just now switched into a new one that I'm hoping is a better fit. Need to get a couple more books and then I am good to go. 

Things I need to remind myself-
1. you do not have to be everywhere, this is in fact impossible so stop trying.
2. drink water
3. actions speak louder than words

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