Monday, September 24, 2012

Home is wherever I'm with them

This weekend was a very much-needed weekend at home. I love school and my friends, I love going out and dressing up, etc. etc. etc. But sometimes you just need a little check in. A simple “hi, these are the people that love you and make you who you are.” It was pretty nice. It felt like a million years since I had seen everyone (even though I had just seen Mom and Dad and Kiks for the Meyer’s party on Tuesday) I just love messing around and the constant laughter that is all of us together. 

I didn't realize how much I was craving a home cooked meal, a hug from my mom, joking around with my dad, snuggles with Ruebs, the easy back and forth between me, Liz and Kiks. Something as simple as waking up and crawling into Mom's and Dad's bed, talking with her, Liz and Kiks about anything and everything. It makes me the happiest.

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