Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Should I be studying for my BritLit exam tomorrow? Most definitely. Am I sitting in bed with coffee looking at pictures and writing a blog post instead? OF COURSE.

Two weeks ago was Saint Patrick's Day, which nicely coincided with the end of my spring break. While friends were in Vegas and Cali, or abroad in glamorous places such as Paris and Australia, I was on 142. Spending most days with the 8 and under crowd, playing basketball and chalking driveways as well as fielding questions about my personal life from a 4 year old.

Frighteningly accurate self portrait of Owen

St. Patrick's Day (weekend) in Boston was nuts. Everyone was green and merry and Irish. Everyone that is, except for Sara. (Jokes Ra, you can be Irish for the day)

Sar and Liz ready to go

We made our way around Faneuil Hall, taking in the irish dancers and various bar-goers. Sunday was the very best day, as we went to the parade in Southie. UNREAL. It was like experiencing a whole new culture, not being in Boston at all. 

 You could tell that it was an Irish holiday being celebrate, because by the end of the day, everyone was a nice shade of sunburnt pink and tons of freckles had appeared! After spending the entire afternoon on a curb in sunshine, it was time for food. I had a delicious BLT and the two skinnyminnys got salads. "It's like a good full"

Since being back at school, it has been a constant stream of work work work. Crunch time before the end of next month when finals appear out of no where. So weird to even be thinking about finals, senior year already? Noooo thanks.

My latest form of procrastinating has been redecorating my room. Yes I am well aware I will be packing it all up in about a month and a half. I am also aware it would be smarter to clean the place instead of tack things up on the walls, but c'est la vie!

This weekend it's back to Boston for a weekend of celebration, Sara is 23! After that I think I need to devote some weekends to good ole Storrs. There are some bucket list activities my roommates are checking off that I'd like to be apart of.

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