Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I have been writing about my trips and such
but have neglected to share the things going on in my lovely lovely Florence!

So I will now tell you all about the little adventure Devon and I had Tuesday morning.

There is a market here that is only open on Tuesdays and it sells everything from umbrellas and plugs, to food, to birds and flowers to clothing. Literally anything you can think of they sell. And it is cheap too! There are piles of clothing being sold for just 1 euro!

The market is open from 9 to 1:30, so if you have class you are out of luck because it won't be there when you get out. My class isn't until 10:45 on Tuesdays but every time I set my alarm to get up early instead, I always decide I'll just sleep.


My midterm wasn't until 11:30 and Devon didn't have any so we decided we were going to forego sleep and find the infamous Tuesday market!

We successfully got ourselves up at 7 am (huzzah!) and started our walk.
We were told that the park where the market is is only like 15 minutes walk from school. 

Even if we hadn't gotten lost it is WAY farther!
We got lost.
We were walking and were definitely in the right place, just on the complete opposite side of the park! We were at some horse stables and a deserted street, slightly spooky!
We were at a pivotal "do we turn left or right?" moment, and THANK GOODNESS we chose to go left!

I didn't really think we were going to get stolen or anything, I was just convinced that we would never find the market, and that would be sad.

We found the Cascine Tuesday Market! It literally had ANYTHING you could think of. Name me something, they had it.

And the people were really nice too, usually when you pass street vendors they shout out at you and try and attract your attention to get you to come and look at their stuff. Which can get slightly frustrating. Here they just let you be which was nice.

Devon and I both got big sweaters, like wool weird patterned sweaters and they were only 1 euro!
What a day!

I will definitely be going back now that I know the real way to get there.
ALSO on the way home, on the more direct route, we walked through an amusement park/carnival.
This felt like my Quassy days, I was starting to feel like I was late for work or something!

When we were walking through here a woman came up  to ask if we spoke english and if we knew where the heck the Tuesday Market was!

SEE! It's not just us!

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