Trying something else out, more of the same, just a different place. Wanderlust is amazing, but since the travels seem over .....
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
We are reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower in class.
Which everyone should read.
Which I will have a hipster moment and say,
I read this book a million times before it was going to be a movie.
Anyway not the point.
The point is that there is a quote
"We accept the love we think we deserve."
"We accept the love we think we deserve."
I think Eleanor Roosevelt said that.
And a girl in class raised her hand and said that she thinks the quote speaks volumes about the person accepting love.
I mean I get it that thats the whole point of the quote but it really got me thinking.
The love I allow to happen to me is the love I think I deserve.
I can be sad that people are shitty,
or I can take a step back and realize that to some extent I'm letting them be.
Yes some people just SUCK, but why do you not avoid them?
Why do you let the boy that cheats on you get another chance?
Or the boy that doesn't call but makes excuses
(he had a lot of work....every night... of every day...of every week)
I am all about forgiveness. But there is a fine line between forgiving someone for something and enabling someone to treat you poorly.
I know that this is common knowledge for most people, but this rocked my world. I think it's because I know it but haven't ever been able to follow through. I will give chance after chance after chance because things can be fixed. But lately I can see a difference. And this is something to be happy about.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Don't Call It Procrastinating
Midterms are upon us. Put the dancing heels away and get out your study glasses folks!
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Studybugs in the library with me tonight |
Currently have a coffee buzz going on that should be forcing me to study bio flashcards, instead I find myself here. I'm okay with it though, I've been in the library every day this week and my brain needs a little break.
Things have been going really well lately. (knock on wood)
This week was kind of an eye-opener on how much work I have coming up,
but it's also reassuring to me that it can be done.
Well attempted, I'm not sure it can be done until I get the grades back
Confidence is key.
We were having a talk about introverts vs. extroverts the other day,
because in 109 we have discovered that I am very much the extrovert living with 3 introverts.
But it's not like one is bad and the other is better. It's about what energizes you.
Lately I am energized by the fall colors everywhere. The smell of the breeze that is saying goodbye to summer and a big hello to autumn. I'm energized by my sketchbook, my sneakers and ipod on a long run, the laughter of my roommates. I am energized by talking to kids about going abroad to Florence. I am energized by poems in my Creative Writing class. I am energized by trips to the packy with Jess and playing dress up and makeup before the bar with Sar. (At this point I am equally energized and exhausted by the bar.) One of my favorite things though is waking up the next morning, and Sar climbing down the bunk onto my bed and recapping the night. The parts we both remember best, or things that happened separately that we need to share. We've also taken to writing down the funnier things that have happened this semester in a little red book. I would say this has been my best semester here at this fine university. There's been a lot of laughing.
It's weird that if you think about it, these will all be memories. Sometimes that freaks me out. Like as something great is happening, I'm aware that in a couple weeks it'll be a good memory. And it's already October. When did that happen? Didn't classes just start? Oh no, we're at midterms. THE MIDDLE OF THE TERM. Which means its towards the end, which means spring semester which means graduating.
HOLD THOSE HORSES. Late night talks as of late have been future focused: who will you know, where will you be, what will you be doing. All I know right now is that I don't know. I have hopes and ideas, but if there is one thing this almost-22 years of life has taught me.... NOTHING is certain. You can be living your life happy as can be and then its rearranged infront of your face. And then it happens again. The things I do know for certain is that I am a smart capable human girl, I have a loving famjams and some pretty kick ass friends. I guess the rest will just have to fall into place.
How did I even get to talking about all this? OH RIGHT THE FOUR CUPS OF COFFEE.
Okay so pictures of lately......
This right here is why I love fall. Not only is October the very best month of the whole year, BUT CAN YOU LOOK AT THAT TREE. I learned in bio why it is those leaves do that, but since that was LAST exam we're just gonna focus on other things...
Some sketching. I know I know the head is not exactly at the right angle. But hey, it's my angst to judge so just appreciate!
My beautiful roommate Sara. This picture is so much of why I love this girl.
This is pre-bar attire. We love dress up and being rulweird.
It didn't hurt like I thought it would AT ALL.
The only person that noticed it naturally was Dad. Casually sitting at the dinner table and he's like "Excuse me what is that?"
Now I'm just happy that someone noticed without me having to be like HEY HEY LOOK. Kev on the other hand.... not too happy.
At least its not a can come out!
Autumn is pretty.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Home is wherever I'm with them
This weekend was a very much-needed weekend at home. I love
school and my friends, I love going out and dressing up, etc. etc. etc. But
sometimes you just need a little check in. A simple “hi, these are the people
that love you and make you who you are.” It was pretty nice. It felt like a
million years since I had seen everyone (even though I had just seen Mom and
Dad and Kiks for the Meyer’s party on Tuesday) I just love messing around and
the constant laughter that is all of us together.
I didn't realize how much I was craving a home cooked meal, a hug from my mom, joking around with my dad, snuggles with Ruebs, the easy back and forth between me, Liz and Kiks. Something as simple as waking up and crawling into Mom's and Dad's bed, talking with her, Liz and Kiks about anything and everything. It makes me the happiest.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Turn yo frown upside down
good sleep
coffee- iced, hot, in a mug, with a straw...(stopping before this turns into Green Eggs and Ham)
best friends
Florence. Dublin. Paris. Boston.
All cities to still be explored
grilled cheese with tomato and avocado
The O.C.
going to the movies
movie previews
getting pierced
Third Eye Blind. Brand New.Bon Iver. TBS
live music (acappella included)
cracking up
inside jokes
pretty eyes, green, blue...brown ;)
being missed
having things to look forward to
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