Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Here it is, senior year of college. Wait....WHAT. 

So far so good on my goal of going to every class. Granted yesterday was the first day. I like being back here on campus, and taking notes and going to class and going to work. For now at least while it's still fun and new. I do NOT like the uphill trek back to Charter Oak, but I absolutely refuse to take the bus until it's cold or rainy or miserable or dark. I will enjoy this sunshine and warmth while I have it!

Goals= good grades, run, go to all classes. Just your standard back to school stuff. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Call It What You Will..Musing, Rambling, My Future

Senior year of college is right around the corner. Which means it's high time I make a bunch of goals for myself, ones that I should not slack off on or blatantly ignore.

Thing is though, living with and having mostly senior friends last year, I got to do like a trial run. And one thing I realized, was that nobody realized it was ending. Which is both good and bad. If you don't think about it being over, the inevitable end is not looming in the back of your mind. However, if you think you have all this time, you're sorely mistaken.

I don't want it to be the last month of the semester when I start doing all bucket list items. I want to soak up each college-y moment, every football game, bar night, pregame that turns into the game, every hangover and hilarious recapping of our antics (and heavily relying on my camera). Taking notes with new pens on new paper, reading books I wouldn't pick out otherwise, the color of the leaves by Mirror Lake, the swings. Roommates and best friends feet from each other, coffee breaks from work a the Benton, the likelihood of all nighters at Homer.

All of this is so fleeting which heightens its importance. I'll be the first to admit UConn was not my favorite place in the world freshman year. I didn't like my living situation, I didn't branch out the way everyone (including myself) assumed that I would. Sophomore year, with the help of Sara and Liz and Marisa and the rest of New London things changed. I stayed more weekends, went to events and such... and GASP started to be myself at UConn. I firmly believe college is not "the best four years of your life," the thought of that is just too sad. But I do know it's four of the most formative and most important years of my life. I know I'll never forget it.

I didn't love love love it so much that I couldn't bear to leave it, hence studying abroad and this blog in the first place. But here I am, with one year left and I am so nervous and anxious and excited. I love UConn, I love the U and the library, the "classroom building", the walk from Charter Oak to McMahon, or from Hilltop to Thirsties. I love waiting for Sgt. Pepps to be open to eat pizza for breakfast. I love how much I hate the rain there, and the snow. I love that when I think about snow and UConn I picture CLAS and Wilbur Cross. I love the buildings and my desk at study abroad.

So I guess my main goal, the one I know I'll keep...  Take NOTHING for granted. This is not permanent.

Friday, August 3, 2012

And so it goes, summer went too fast and too slow. 
It was stretching out for days on end, and now it's about time to pack up clothes for school. 
I took all my clothes from the girls apartment in Boston, does that mean it's not my apartment anymore? I still have a key, it still feels like a place to call home. Yesterday I went up for the night, I like when a place becomes familiar. I like knowing where I am, and what's around, and how I would get from one place to another. I definitely don't think Boston's been conquered yet, but I am far better at it then I was when I first shipped on up at the beginning of summer.  I know there is still more time, and I'm not about wishing any time away. Be where you are and all that, living in the exact moment. But musing on this summer, as far as summers go, this was a good one. Weird, but good.

 It was the first non-Southbury summer, which is a big step to being a big girl. Luckily I'm going right back to school so all that so called maturity can unravel real fast.  Last summer when there was a smaller group of people home I could tell  it was about time. Time for all of us to get away. I like it though because with everyone off in the world you end up seeing who it is you're going to keep. People you make effort with and people that make effort with you, reassuring me that it was not the fact that we are in the same place that keeps us friends.

And now it's just about time for senior year, which equal parts excites and terrifies me. It's been talked up quite a bit, I'm hoping that it lives up to the hype. Knowing us it will, it'll probably end up being more than we can all handle. Eventually I should make some goals, like go to every class never skip unless deathly ill, things like that. 
Still got some time to enjoy sunshine and summer things, thank goodness.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Is this thing on?

I have disappeared into family beach vacation and am having a hard time getting out of the vacation part. Actually my absence from posting started before that.

Never fear, there is a beaching/end of summer/start of school. Lots of pictures and lists and musings coming very soon.

For now, Julie's on her way and we're going to get a drink.
