Monday, April 4, 2011

Amalfi Coast (n): Breathtaking, Perfect, Majestic

we left Florence and headed to the lovely Amalfi Coast! We were a bit nervous because there was supposed to be a train strike on Friday, but we didn't know if they would start early or if our travel would be affected.
Good news, it wasn't!
We took a train from Florence to Rome, Rome to Naples, Naples to Sorrento! Once we got to Sorrento we had a taxi man from the resort meeting us at the station to take us to our "hostel".

This was not a hostel folks, it was paradise! We had a bungalow (#4) to ourselves! It was blue and it had two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom!
(The toliet was weird in the bathroom so every time you flushed the water would make noises like a boy was peeing for a little while afterwards, we called this imaginary boy Ryan)

Table in the kitchen

Sara and Jessie's room! 
Mine and Mandy's Room!
The first night we got in around 9:30 -ish and were pretty beat and car sick from the windy windy roads! We got croissants and jam and played phase 10. 
It was officially the worst game of phase 10 I have ever played, I may or may not have screamed and rolled around in frustration at one point...I'll never tell!

Woke up to the sun pouring into our room! Good morning to you too Sorrento!

We went to go to the breakfast buffet, but it was not open! C'est la vie! Back to crossiants!
Plans for the day? Going to the private beach and soaking up the sun :)

Mandy and Sara and our blue bungalow

The beach was a rock beach! There were some really pretty rocks, one of which is still in my purse and needs to be removed! We spent all afternoon there just lying around.

Sara and I were both so tempted by the water! It was chilly and we kept putting our feet in, but it got to the point where it was like "Are we going to go in?" ..."We're going to go in!"
So we made sure to get nice and toasty in the sun and then we did it! 

It wasnt really going for a swim, it was more like plopping into the water and flailing about! Lucky for both of us no one else was on the beach to see this chaos!

Here we have a photographic evidence of wet heads from the water! (Mandy politely declined freezing herself in the girl) 

We stayed on the rock-beach for quite some time, and then decided we should head into Sorrento and explore! 

Sara and I at the bus stop
The bus ride was like a half hour/forty minutes (depending on who is driving) to get into Sorrento, and the views are beauiful! After the first windy ride we all got used to it and no one felt car sick anymore, instead we were hopping from seat to seat to try and take another picture!

Sorrento is BEAUTIFUL! We walked down the streets and saw all the little shops and vendors selling everything! There were lemons the size of your head!
I got A LOT of presents for people that afternoon :)

Uncle Jimmy, I debated whether or not you would want this apron, figured you would but decided on a different gift for you guys instead!

After we were sufficiently shopped out, we went and got ourselves dinner!

SARA HAD THE BEST SPAGHETTI EVER! It had peppers in it, Mom you would hate it! 

Off to Capri! Blue Grotto? I think so!
Meandered into Sorrento, hopped on the ferry and hit the ground running!

Hello gorgeous Capri, you are perfect!

We took a bus from Capri to Anacapri and then from Anacapri to Grotto Azzura (Blue Grotto!)
Doing the buses was cool cause you got to see so much, and it was much less expensive then joining the tour and having to pay 60 euro or something of that nature for the whole day!

On my way down to the Blue Grotto:

We walked down and got ourselves into one of those little row-boats! Our boat drive was very nice and sang a lovely tune in italian as we rowed through the grotto


None of us could stop smiling afterwards, it was truly unreal. I must have asked the guy at least 5 times if it was really real.

Once we got back into Anacapri, we picked ourselves a lemon! It smelled DELICIOUS! 

Lunch: Smiley face pizza for me and Sar, and seafood pasta for Mandy:

Back into Capri we got ourselves some lemon slushie :)

Got a little lost on the way back down to the marina, luckily for this sign we knew what to do! And lucky for all of us Capri is the prettiest place in the world to get a little lost in! I felt like I was going on a secret path or something because it was so pretty!


We are watching the ferry pull in and Sara had the brilliant idea that we should sit on the top! Wind be damned we were going to do it!

YEA ABOUT THAT, worst idea ever! It was actually hilarious because it was cold and windy and fun to laugh at what a ridiculous idea it had been! We kept griping that she was torturing us!

Oh no, the wind and cold doesn't bother us at all!
Then we had dinner in Sorrento and went back up to the bungalow!

What happens when you are a goofball:

Sunday we went down and picked some rocks and hung out on the rock-beach for a little, went into Sorrento for some last minute souvenir shopping and then went from Sorrento to Naples and Naples to Florence. 
It was a very long travel day, but we safely and soundly made it back to Florence.
Safely, soundly and a little sadly because we all fell in love with the Amalfi Coast and never wanted to leave!

1 comment:

  1. Pictures were fantastic. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
    Love, poppy
